¨¨°şİo.,.oİş°¨¨°şİ[ Backend News Project ]İş°¨¨°şİo.,.oİş°¨¨
Last Update: 30th March, 2002
Stable Version 1.0.31
=( Ethics of Backend News Project)=
While working on Backed News Project and also on my intial personal project,
I realised that this kind of headline grabbing can be very powerful and
very dangerous. I had coded a Perl script that
could be used to extract the present cartoon of User Friendly. However, when I
asked UF people the permission to release the script, I realised that I would be going against their copyright.
The NewsGrabber module that was theend product of the Backend News project
is powerful enough to go to any arbitary website
and grab pages. It can be actual backend files or even actual HTML files
that were not meant to be used as backend files.
Then it is just a matter of playing around with Perl to extract the needed information from even an HTML file and grab the
After my experience with UF, I decided that the NewsGrabber module will be used to grab headlines from only those sites that has
an official backend news file. What I mean by official is that, the existence of such a file has to be acknowledged in the
respective website itself and it is meant for the specific purpose of news retrieval. This thus eleminates any cartoon grabbing, alas !
=(srijith AT users.sourceforge.net )=